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Page 2 combines lyrical acoustic songs with subtle performances. Pulling from their original back catalogue of material, Page 2 has transformed their alternative and pop rock repertoire into an acoustic showcase of song-writing that better matches the new face of this band.
The first official release of the back catalogue of tunes By Page 2 hit the digital streets June 15th accompanied by the release of the video single on Youtube.
New music coming 2024!
With the back catalogue of music in the Page 2 archives, there's a seemly never ending supply of amazing music.
A little background:
Page 2 is Mark Smith and Pete Boshart, both members of the alternative rock band Carbon. With the breakup of Carbon there was a division of songs that was obvious. The two main writers for Carbon, Mark and Pete had such a wide variety of influences and our own styles of music we loved to write and play and it was part of the breaking point for Carbon. Who was Carbon...we struggled with that very question many times.
As it turns out Carbon was really Page 2, Sonica Disturbia, The Mark Smith Experience, Pete Wheeler and of course Durham County Band. All of these artistic outlets stemming back to the unbound creativity of Mark and Pete. Carbon was all of these and more, a band with multiple personality disorder... and all of them wanted out.
These new releases are the true essence of what these songs desperately wanted to be but at the time we struggled with trying to make them "pop palatable" and the reality is they just wanted to be Page 2, two guys, guitars and a piano, harmonies emotion and lyrics that defy the norm... push the boundaries and tell a tale unique to the listener.

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